Mar 6, 2010

Olympics III

And here's the last of 'em! I ran out of steam near the end so I only watched the very last events, though I did draw Dakkan playing hockey on some printer paper for kicks. Otter playing hockey, it almost works. :V

Mar 4, 2010

Mar 2, 2010

Olympics I

I make it no secret - I LOVE the Olympics. I love watching almost every single event I can, and I love rooting for American (and my other pet favorite countries') athletes as they strive for medals. This is something I can't adequately explain, but I love 'em anyway.

On the list of "why the Olympics are awesome" are the opportunities it presents for gesture sketching. Like in life, you don't have a pause button. Sometimes you have replays and can cheat a little, but you've got all these great dynamic things going on and it's great.

So I'm going to put my Olympic sketchbook pages over the next few posts, uncensored for suckitude. How exciting. :P