I realize it's been some time since I posted, so let's throw some drawings around!

A tribute to Mr. Brian Jacques, the man who shaped my childhood and taste in fiction. He died of a heart attack on the 5th.

In which I biff crocodilian anatomy. My excuse is I didn't have internet (and thus reference) at the time, but I guess it's kinda cool anyway.

Attempting to learn how to use watercolors again. This time I come armed with paints that are dark/rich enough to allow actual value contrast.

Aaand some more Mossflower boards, of a pretty short scene. It's a warmup for a much longer scene that will probably take me months to finish. >:)
That storyboard is incredible! I am completely blown away!
Keep up the fantastic work
MAN. I don't think I love ANYTHING as much as you love sword-weilding mice. And I'm glad you do. 'Cause this is some great work.
beautiful and looks lively
Top Ranked Bethlehem Private Investigator
very artistic and looks like real
Self Storage South Gate
Cool pictures
Nice pics
This random art are very interesting. thanks for sharing.
Amazing Black Cloud South Bend Clutches
Amazing piece of arts
Looks great.
Amazing Omnipotech Cloud Computing Solutions
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